House hacking, Landlord Hacking, this hack, that hack. You research how to do anything, and you’ll likely come across some sort of hack on how to do it. So we wanted to throw our two cents in and cover rental property product hacks that help preserve your rental property investment and help reduce unnecessary maintenance requests from your tenants.
Hot Water Heater Drain Pan & Washing Machine Drain Pans For Your Rental Property.
If you own a single-family rental property in Florida or anywhere throughout the county, your hot water heater is likely located in the garage. In a townhome or condo, it’s like in a cubby or closet somewhere. First, look and see if your hot water heater has a drain pain. If it’s sitting on concrete, you can expect some rust and corrosion to occur on the bottom of your water heater throughout time. If it’s in a townhome, condo, or second floor of your property. Make sure your water heater has a drain pan to catch any leaks during the tenancy. You don’t have to worry about your water heater leaking through the subfloor or your unit eroding over time for a small expense. It is also a good idea to have a drain pan for your washer if it’s located on the second floor; these are a great fit and a price.
Rental Property Braided Stainless Steel Toilet Supply Line.
An easy to forget oversight when walking your rental property during an inspection or property turn is to check out the toilet supply lines. If your rental property has some age, you may have some worn out, nasty supply lines.
Updating the supply line with a Stainless Steel Braided supply line will ensure you have no leaks throughout your tenants’ residency. A burst supply line can cause a significant flood; even a minor leak can cause mold and mildew to grow and damage the drywall. A new Braided Polymer toilet connector has a corrosion-resistant design that provides long-lasting use. It’s super easy to connect the water supply to your toilet, check out how to install one here. And the polymer fibers bend freely without kinking or crimping, reducing the risk of breaks and leaks.
Rental Property Clog? Consider A Shower Drain Catcher.
There is nothing worse than having a plumbing backup request come in, dispatching a technician, and the plumber pulls out a hair the size of Mount Rushmore. Isn’t this awesome?
Growing up with four other siblings’ hairball clogs were a real thing. As a rental property owner, a tub stopper is a must, but they go missing, break, and leave you with this open hole in the tub. Don’t ignore it; get a tub stopper that is designed to catch all that hair. You’ll be thankful! Your tenants aren’t reaching out for a hairball backup. Check out our favorite drain catchers here.
WeatherTech Sink Mat, Protecting Your Cabinets In Your Rental Property.
Does this look familiar?
A great product WeatherTech came out with is the Sink Mat. No longer do you have to replace the bottoms of your cabinets. No more concerning requests of mold from tenants as they open the kitchen sink cabinet doors. Purchase these to ensure leaks are caught on the sink mat, and water is not protruding through the cabinet floorboards. A little more pricey but worth the extra protection for your rental property.
Vertical Blinds In Your Rental Property?
If you have these in your rental property great. Are vertical blinds the best out there for a rental property? We think not, but if they are there and operational leave them for now but consider purchasing these vertical blinds tabs because you’ll need them. Once your vertical blinds do break in your rental property, and they most definitely will. Scrap them. We recommend replacing it with a sleek, modern curtain rod. A fraction of the price and your tenants can choose the drapes that fit their style and new home.
Garbage Disposal Breaking In Your Rental Property?
Considered to some as a luxury, and others an essential appliance in a home. Whatever your stance is, if your rental property has a garbage disposal, expect it to go out on your tenant at some point. Whether it be due to tenants’ neglect or the age of the unit. It’s best to have a nice new operable disposal in your property. The average lifespan of a garbage disposal without neglect, regular use, and not overuse are 12 years calculated by the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors. If it breaks, replace.
Caulk Is Your Rental Property’s Best Friend!
A little sealant caulk goes a long way in your rental property. An essential product after every rental property will need in a property turn. Whether in the bathtub or around the kitchen sink. This product is your best friend when preserving your rental property, and it makes the unit look and feel so much cleaner.
Cheap Door Stoppers For Your Rental Property.
There is nothing worse than an easily preventable hole in the wall. Door stoppers are cheap, easy to install, and can prevent those frustrating drywall patch jobs and touch up paint. You can get a 12 pack of them for $8.89 on Amazon. If you have a funky layout or an odd door placement, it doesn’t hurt to add an extra layer of protection with a hinge pin or a bumper door knob guard. Minor additions like these are rental property protectors and save you time and money on rental property turns.
Lower Rental Property Utilities With New Weather Strips.
Foot traffic in and out of your rental property is a given. But when your exterior doors shut, the seal should be tight. Check the weatherstrip on all exterior facing doors in your rental property. A worn, tattered weather strip allows critters and pests to get indoors much easier. A broken weather strip allows for airflow or heat to escape from inside, leading to higher utility costs. If your rental property is located in a climate that changes drastically like your summers being super humid. Or your winters are extremely cold with freezing temperatures. A solid sealing weatherstrip is a must-have. It will also guard against drafts, odors, noise, and block out under-door light. Weatherstripping makes your rental property feel more comfortable and warm without spending a ton of money.
Invest In Security For Your Rental Property With Rekeyable Door Locks.
At every tenant churn within your rental property, you must have the property secured. By rekeying your property, you ensure the previous tenant does not have access anymore and reduces any liability of keys floating around out there. Having a locksmith rekey your property every time is a costly expense ranging between $79 to $160 a property rekey depending on the number of locks in the home. If you’re thinking ahead, consider a SmartKey Security lock system. The initial upfront cost may be much more, but rekeying is a breeze in just three easy steps. For a higher-end single-family rental home with a decorative front door handle. We recommend checking out these stunning handlesets from Kwikset with SmartKey Technology. An excellent Iron Black low profile handleset or a satin nickel handleset with vedani lever is sure to add a subtle touch of luxury with modern design. For your standard B or C class rental property, a bulk order of deadbolt and doorknobs will do the trick. We shy away from recommending electronic or smart locks for your rental property as the technology can be touchy; batteries will die, causing lockout issues, and some need wifi connectivity. We like to keep it simple with your basic lock and key.
Final Thoughts: Best Products For Your Rental Property House Hacks.
These are just a few of the many products out there that can help make owning a rental property that much easier for you as a real estate investor. Investing in these items will help protect your real estate asset while minimizing the tedious maintenance requests that will pop off during a tenancy. We’ve provided you with links to the above-mentioned products for your rental property hacking. If you have any other rental property product hacks that you love, let us know! We’d love to add them to the list. Like anything in life, it’s about taking action. Try these products for your rental property and see what happens. If you have any questions about your rental property investment or want to learn more about our Orlando Property Management Company, please don’t hesitate to contact The Listing Real Estate Management, your best choice for Orlando property management. Take it easy out there and happy rental property hacking!